Coaching driving instructors and how it works

Coaching driving instructors – can coaching work within the driving instruction world? This is the most asked question I hear.
Let’s take a look at coaching and what it involves.
Put simply, coaching is a process that aims to improve performance and focuses on the ‘here and now’ rather than on the distant past or future. Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.
With coaching it allows someone to take responsibility for their own learning. People learn more from having a chance to understand what could have made their choice better, this helps through asking questions that are requiring an answer. Don’t forget that learning takes place from within ourselves. Teaching passes knowledge from teacher to student. The teacher knows something the student does not. There is a hierarchy in this sort of system which is teacher then pupil. The opposite is true in coaching. The client is the expert and has the answers, not the coach. A coach helps them achieve their goals in their life and work.
Coaching driving instructors
Coaching is a partnership between coach and client. The coach helps the client to achieve their personal best and to produce the results they want in their personal and professional lives. Coaching ensures the client can give their best and to help them learn and develop in the way that they wish.
One of the biggest elements to coaching is the questions. If listening to the client is taking place then the questions become easier to ask. By setting goals the client can work with the help of the coach with ways that best help them to achieve their goals.(It’s always best for the client to have set their own goals) It may mean that to get to the required goals, means smaller goals have to be set and to be reached first . A bit like learning to drive but rather than being told, you work it out for yourself.
Can coaching work within this industry? I believe the answer is yes, it’s about giving people options and letting them try for themselves to achieve what ever they want . There are further elements to coaching which we can look at next time.
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