Iain Hunt’s Journey To Become Approved Driving Instructor – Part 3

Iain Hunt’s journey to becoming an approved driving instructor part 3 the training the trainee licence.
After completing all the twelve modules within the TCIT course book, it takes you to forty hours. There are various options at this stage, one of them is to go onto what is known as a pink licence (trainee licence).
So what does the trainee licence allow you to do? Designed to allow you to earn money whilst training and using the skills on real-life students and not just role play. This was the route Iain decided to take, and I don’t think he ever looked back.
What was good, Iain was sensible in his approach. He saw the opportunity to practice all he had learnt throughout the training course but not overload himself with students.
This video shows Iain practising his skills
Iain Hunt’s Journey To Become Approved Driving Instructor – Part 3
With Iain allowed to reflect in more detail how he had performed on the sessions, what he could have done differently and how he would implement the improvements in the future. Iain was supported through this part of his journey by myself and the team at Y2 Learn Driver training, and when you have that team ethic to fall back on, you know that anything is achievable.
Iain found this to be the case, with regular training sessions designed to push Iain to the limit and get the best out of him, and me being his mentor sitting in the back whilst delivering a real-life lesson, with feedback on his performance. This was all going swimmingly, then COVID -19 hit. This put a spanner in the works, as you can imagine. It affected our lives, but it must have felt like hitting a brick wall for a trainee driving instructor. But undetermined, we took the training for Iain online to keep him motivated towards his goal.
Thank you for reading this weeks blog, Iain Hunt’s Journey To Become Approved Driving Instructor – Part 3.