Iain Hunt’s Journey To Become Approved Driving Instructor – Part 4

Iain Hunt’s journey to becoming an approved driving instructor the training the Part 4 test achieving the goal.
After the training and practising with real-life students and the constant battle with the stop/ start of COVID -19, the day finally arrived the part 4 test, the instructional part of Iain’s qualifying exams.
Iain had prepared nicely for this day, arranged his student, Kyle. They set a challenging goal for pedestrian crossings and vulnerable road users. So the day started I met Kyle and Iain at Hinckley test centre; Iain’s part 3 was booked in for 08.30 in the morning excellent early test.
We met the examiner outside, subject to covid 19 protocol; Iain had a chat with the examiner whilst Brian, the examiner, filled out the paperwork. I would have gone with Iain usually and watched a well-delivered lesson, but unfortunately, due to the protocol, I couldn’t. I did also have a pressing engagement at Nuneaton with a student taking an L test.
I knew Iain felt a little nervous, but I was like an expectant father waiting for the results of both. So how did it go, you ask? Iain delivered a great lesson scoring a pass of 42 marks, which falls into the grade of a high B. One point off an A grade. The examiner said there was lots of excellent and valuable information delivered whilst being in charge of the lesson. All the hard work certainly did pay off. I’m delighted to welcome to you all another great addition to the Y2 Learn Driver Training team. Congratulations pal. If you would Iain to deliver your lessons and help you achieve your goals: [email protected].
Iain Hunt’s Journey To Become Approved Driving Instructor – Part 4
You can either go to our website with the link below or message Iain privately – on 07843 861403 or email him at [email protected].
Iain Hunt’s Journey To Become Approved Driving Instructor – Part 4.