Parallel Parking or also known as Reverse Parking

In this blog we are going to be looking at this manoeuvre Parallel Parking or also known as Reverse Parking.
We be looking at the three basic skills of observations , control , accuracy people some time find this manoeuvre hard to do , but its just a process, an easy process that you can take and use on any vehicle in any vehicle its about understanding how and at what points you need to turn the wheel.
Parallel Parking
We start this by pulling up behind a vehicle ( as I call a victim). Then to start, we check around the car after selecting the first gear, being prepared to move if it is clear.
Then we will get into the first position, alongside the vehicle, so that you, the driver, are level with the front or rear of the car, depending on which way it is facing.
The distance we should leave between the cars is 3 mirrors to be safe but not to be to close.
Then after selecting reverse gear and doing complete observations around the vehicle, we start to reverse until we get to the second position, where the door mirror on your car is level with the seam of the vehicle you are reversing alongside.
At this point, it is going to be our 1st point of turn by doing one full turn to the LEFT, which turns the vehicle to a 1 o’clock position.
At this point, it becomes our 2nd point of turn by turning the wheel back one turn to the RIGHT, which then straightens the car.
Make Observations
Also, at this point, we need to make observations to the right, front, and behind. Then if it’s clear, we are going to reverse back until we create a triangle with the side of the car and the curb. At this point, we need to lock the steering wheel to the RIGHT, which then turns the car to parallel with the curb.
This manoeuvre should be completed no more than two car lengths away from the vehicle we are using.
It’s a process that can be used on any vehicle big or small in any vehicle big or small.
Thank you for reading our blog – Parallel Parking or also known as Reverse Parking.
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